November 10, 2011

New Michael Dunne White Paper and Webinar now available

Many organizations are working hard to improve their sales effectiveness.  Increasingly many of these organizations are turning to information technology to help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their incentive compensation and sales performance management processes.  Many of these organizations are now in varying stages of rolling out Sales Performance Management (SPM) solutions.

During these deployments, organizations go through a number of distinct phases as they mature.  The first phase is to ensure that the processes they have in place are efficient and produce accurate results.  As organizations look 'beyond the numbers' they go through increasingly complex phases ending with business agility and overall SPM optimization. 

I asked Michael Dunne, X-Gartner analyst, and long-time veteran  of sales effectiveness and sales performance management to write a report, outlining these stages of evolution, and to provide some guidance for organizations who find themselves in different levels of  SPM maturity.

The result is a new report which provides great insight as to the evolution of SPM systems within an organization.  This is a must-read for anyone trying to educate themselves on the Sales Performance Management landscape.   I have also asked Michael to discuss this paper and answer any of your questions in a webcast. This is now scheduled for December 6th.

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